SeventyThird Time

April 2, 2011 at 7:22 am (Uncategorized)

A good week!

First, I heard that my story ‘Photographs of Boden’ has been accepted for Willie Meikle’s cancer-themed (and charitable) anthology The Unspoken, which is great news. I was kind of influential in The Unspoken‘s existence – Willie heard about my Halloween gig for Cancer Research and this, coupled with his own dad’s fight against cancer, led him to think about doing something to raise money for cancer research – so it’s really good to have made the cut, in an anthology that aims to do at least some good in this world. Result!

Next, I heard that ‘The Lemon in the Pool’, from Lost Places, has been chosen by Stephen Jones for The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 22 – result 2! That’s the third BNH I’ve made it into, and it’s still a hugely exciting thing. I assume that this’ll be launched at FCon (which I’m going to incidentally) as usual…

Third, I also heard that Stephen Jones has taken my story ‘The Hurting Words’ (which was originally called ‘The Thirteen’ and then ‘The Five’, fact fans) for a new anthology called Haunts: Reliquaries of the Dead. Result 3! ‘The Hurting Words’ is a longer story (11500 words) so it’ll be interesting to see how people react to it. The anthology is out later this year, I think, so more news on that as I get it.

A weird thing: a short statement from my interview with Billie Mulholland has been quoted and then repeated on Twitter about 15 times! Weird to think something I said in an interview is now my most-republished piece of work…

Lastly, I’ve been interviewed again, this time by Jim Macleod. The interview, in which I rant, rave and use too many exclamation marks, can be read here:

Okay, I think that’s your lot this week. Life calls, and I fear I have to answer its hectoring cry. Later, Lords and Ladies!

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